Cleanse the intestinal tract with our powerful Parasite Cleanse.
Wave bye to the internal parasites plaguing the body and robbing you of your energy and health. Silence the constant Rumble of the Digestive Track due to irritable bowels.
This Cleanse will normalize your digest activity by killing parasites, healing the digestive lining, flushing the alimentary canal, and restoring proper function to the intestinal track to bring it back into a state of homeostasis.
3 Products are provided for the cleanse.
- Black Walnut and Wormwood Combo
- Grapefruit Seed Extract
- Yellow Bile Digestive Formula
Black Walnut and Wormwood are 2 of the most powerful herbs for cleanses and ridding the body of internal parasites and worms.
Morning Routine:
Take 3 Capsules Black Walnut & Worm Wood Capsules on an empty stomach along with a full glass of water mixed with 10 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract.
Evening Routine:
Take another 3 Capsules Black Walnut & Worm Wood Capsules 1 hour after last meal with a full glass of water mixed with 10 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract.
Before Bed:
Take 3-5 Capsules of the Yellow Bile Digestive Formula 1 hour before bedtime. You can find more information about our Yellow Bile Digestive Formula on the Herbal Formulas Page.
Perform the above regimen for 2 weeks, then take 1 week off, then do the regimen for another 2 weeks. This will complete the Parasite Cleanse. It is advisable to take probiotics while taking the parasite cleanse to maintain healthy intestinal flora.
Organic Black Walnut & Organic Wormwood 100 Capsules
Grapefruit Seed Extract 15ml
Yellow Bile 100 Capsules -Organic Cascara Sagrada, organic Ginger, Organic Peppermint, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic chamomile, wild Crafted Echinacea Root, Organic Goldenseal Root
*Note Recommended if pregnant or nursing or if one is prone to seizures.